Friday, April 17, 2015

O is for Obliterate Obstacles

Bonus points for alliteration! There are always bonus points for alliteration.  Here’s your monthly dose of inspiration coming at you simply because I already talked about Opening a bar, and there’s nothing else I really want to Own now that I recently bought my first house, and there’s only one country that starts with O (can you guess it) and I just recently talked about moving to the Middle East (Opps, did I give it away…. There’s another O.) So, ya, O was a bit of a struggle, and though it’s not a bucket list item, it Offers (there I go again) some advice on how to accomplish all those bucket list goals we all have.
Obstacle is defined as something that obstructs (ohh, another O) or hinders progress.  With a bucket list like mine, you can bet there are more than a few obstacles that stand in the way of completing my goals.  Age, time, and money to name just a few.  But you may have noticed with each post I have a plan, a ‘when’ and a ‘where’ and sometimes a ‘how.’ This plan is how I will obliterate obstacles in my way.
The truth is, any goal you may have will have obstacles, otherwise it wouldn’t be a goal, and you would have already done it by now. It’s a goal because it’s not easy. I met a guy in Costa Rica who left me with a quote I’ve always remember, “The view from the top looks better when you worked hard to get there.”  It’s true. There’s a certain satisfaction in knowing you toiled, you sacrificed, you ate canned food for months, you missed your favorite concert, you worked three jobs, you didn’t sleep.  When you reach that goal, everything seems more worthwhile and you wonder if it wouldn’t feel as good as it does here at the top, because man it feels good, if it didn’t take so much to get there.

Obstacles are just things, usually tiny things that only seem big because they’re blocking our way at the moment. They can be obliterated if you want it badly enough. And I want it badly enough. 

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