Thursday, April 2, 2015

B is for Bar

BI’ve always wanted to own a bar; I just don’t want the hours that go along with it. I imagine this bar in a foreign country, preferably an island somewhere where the ocean is steps away from my bar. I want to have every bottle of rum there is on my shelves and maybe even a few tiny umbrellas for cocktails.
I bartended and waitressed for 10 years on and off throughout college and beyond. I was good at it. I enjoyed it. And I made great money. During all those years, I’d daydream about how I would do things differently (don’t we all) if I owned a bar. It would be nice to one day put all those ideas into action.
My bar would be called The Circle Bar. It would, of course, have a circle bar in the middle of the room. I’ve seen very few of these in my life. I know it is the hardest to man, but I love the idea. Every chair or bar stool would be different. There would be no table configurations necessarily so as to allow strangers to become friends. There’d be plenty of space to dance and we’d have open mics, a lot.
I’m not sure the logistics of owning a business in a foreign country. Right now it’s just a B on my bucket list. But maybe one day you’ll be drinking a cocktail with a tiny umbrella on a tropical island and notice how all the chairs are mismatched and you’ll know I’ve crossed that B off my list.

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