Tuesday, April 29, 2014

X is for Xanadu

Xanadu- noun- A place of great beauty, luxury, and contentment

Origin- S.T Coleridge’s modification, in the poem, “Kubla Khan” (1797)

 It is my understanding that Xanadu is usually a fictitious place. One that is always being sought, yet rarely found.  In my travels and looking back through posts A-W I think it is fair to say that I consider most everywhere I’ve visited a personal Xanadu.  I think Xanadu can be found anywhere if you are willing to open your eyes a bit.  If you are willing to bend and mold yourself to fit where you are instead of constantly wishing things were different or better, any place can become a Xanadu.

Of course, generally my Xanadu includes a beach, sun, rum, diving, hiking, a waterfall or two and a few amazing folks to meet and enjoy it all with.  Put all those together and you’ve got my idea of paradise, a common synonym for Xanadu. I’m not picky. Give me one or two of those attributes and I will be happy. Give me all of them and I am in heaven.

I hope you have found your Xanadu a time or two. If not, I hope you are still seeking to find it. I also hope, that when you find it, you recognize it. Too often we miss out on the great things in life because we think there is something more, something better just around the corner.  We do not notice when everything we ever wanted is right in front of us because we thought it would be more, different, better.  Xanadu is out there. Make sure you know it when you find it.

1 comment:

  1. I have been there and came back, slightly disappointed at my return and wanting to capture the "feeling" again. Eventually I realized it is not somewhere I can go, but rather something I can be...and I am looking forward to returning.
