Sunday, April 6, 2014

D is for Dubrovnik

What I remember about Dubrovnik, Croatia


  1. Climbing the walls of the walled city.
  2. Feeling as though I could look clear through the Adriatic Sea from the top of the wall.
  3. Taking pictures through the lookouts built into the wall, feeling like a real photographer.
  4. Thinking of my brother and his brief time in Bosnia, wondering if I should have taken that trip.
  5. Red table wine.
  6. Sneaking through a ‘hole’ in the wall, walking towards the water’s edge, sharing a bottle of wine poured in plastic cups with friends. Making toasts to the life we would lead upon our return.
  7. Watching the sun set so slowly it felt like time had stopped.
  8. Never getting lost.
  9. Being incredibly grateful for the sudden change in the voyage itinerary to a country I knew nothing about.
  10. Laughing.
  11. Flirting with Croats in tiny pubs over beers.
  12. Learning the difference between a greeting of two and three kisses on the cheek.
  13. Wondering how I might ever return.
  14. Carol yelling, "I love Dubrovnik," everywhere we went.  Me joining in.
  15. Planning a life that would forever involve traveling.

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